Monday, 6 June 2016

Rocky road with extra nuts (not the delicious kind)

I haven't been able to write my blog in a while. It feels like since moving to this new city in Japan EVERYTHING has happened. The last few weeks I've had the sensation of living in a fog: not sure what exactly it is that I'm doing or even how I'm feeling.

When I first moved here I was so excited about the new beginning with so many things to look forward to: a job that I was sure will be challenging yet fun, a beautiful small coastal city to live in and all unknown adventures waiting for me. Retrospectively thinking I've had one of the worst starts I never even considered possible.

Forgetting the fact that I actually had a little accident on my first day in my new city after falling off a bike and injuring my left arm I thought things were going to sky rocket towards better things. I am an eternal optimist you see, it's in my nature to genuinely believe things will get better and happier times lay ahead. I was bitterly mistaken this time around. It didn't take longer than a couple of days when I started hearing things from my co-workers: they were apparently getting to know me and like me because they told me they needed to let me know about things that were going on in our work place. I heard about their tribulations with the company we were working for and it all seemed like a slap in the face. My heart sank a bit. What was I in for?

None the less I kept my positive attitude as I was sure if I just continued feeling optimistic about the future it would unfold beautifully. I truly was in good spirits despite all the warnings that my colleagues gave me.

And then things got strange. Shortly after that they got horrible: word reached our company in the form of the police that my colleague had killed herself.
I felt everything around me become a blur. Nothing made sense.

I could go on and on about the shock, self-blame, feeling of absurd surrealness, sorrow and pain... It was all there and after 3 weeks some of it quite obviously still remains.

The aftermath of a suicide is almost unfathomable. All of us at work were in a state of shock and things were made worse when we were told by the management not to tell anyone about what had happened. We were simply told to put on a happy face and fake it. Inside I felt such resentment and anger towards this policy but I was too distraught to fight against it. I was a zombie numbed by the absurdity of the situation and the personal pain I was now told to hide.

It has been a rocky road.

Now enough time has passed that I can look at things that have happened here with more perspective. The pain and the question "why?" still remain and I know they'll never cease to exist - though time will help. I still feel torn about my life here but I'm taking it one day at a time. I'm trying to focus on keeping a positive mind and believing that tomorrow will be a brighter day. Things will work out; I can do this.
Life must not only be lived but most importantly, be enjoyed.

R.I.P. all those dear to us that have departed.


  1. Muistaakseni kirjoitit aikaisemmin että opetat englantia. Mulla ei ole omakohtaisia kokemuksia kielikouluista, mutta olen kuullut että Japaniin mahtuu useita aika epämääräisiä kielikoulufirmoja, ja että joissain firmoissa ulkomaisia opettajia kohdellaan todella huonosti. Kannattaa siis olla tarkkana millaisen firman valitsee.
    Toivottavasti työ ja uudella paikkakunnalla asuminen lähtee ikävästä alusta huolimatta luistamaan. Tsemppiä.

    1. Kyllä, oon englannin maikka ja mielestäni tein hyvän valinnan kun päädyin tähän kyseiseen kouluun - luonnollisesti Googletin paikan ja pitkän haastattelu/valintaprosessin aikana vakuutuin siitä, että tää on hyvä mesta.
      Kaikki negatiivisuus onkin ollut suuri yllätys ja suorastaan shokki... Mutta löydän lohtua siitä, että en olis voinut mitään tehdä paremmin: tän olis pitänyt olla loisto valinta.
      Aika näyttää, miten mun käy. Kiitos, tsemppiä tarvitaan!
