Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Growing roots

I'm settling in. I lounge in my bed and enjoy the comfort of my own home. For me, my own private sanctuary. I've earned this luxury. In a way I feel like I've lived in this apartment for longer than the month that has actually passed by since I moved in. It took long to get where I am, feeling content and secure.

Last year was a really special one for me for so many reasons. I've always been a person who has a lot going on - one might even say my life has been a big roller coaster ride since I moved out to live independently at the age of 18. The list of life-changing events since then is a long one and last year definitely added some novelties to it.
Luckily I am mature enough now to accept the fact that life is a series of both good things and bad. Nothing ever is - nor will it ever be - perfect.

I had high hopes when entering Japan 11 months ago. I thought I knew where I was coming to as this is the first country that I have ever moved to which I had already visited prior to moving. Well, my image of the flawless wonderland has since deteriorated as I've seen this country from the inside and realized that it has its downfalls. None the less I am still in love with Japan: it is a beautiful country with fascinating history and customs that are still very much part of the modern life. I find the people polite and warm though introverted and the customs intriguing yet stubbornly old-fashioned at times.

Yes, for me there is no other country quite like Japan and as I've only spent so little time here I have much more to explore. I am happy to be here and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else - no matter it's still winter and I wear thermals to bed every night.

In many ways I miss my traveling days: globetrotting around the world and every day being an adventure of a new culture, people and events unfolding.
But it does grow tiresome, traveling from one destination to another with your bag of material possessions in tow. After a while you dream of a semi-permanent "something" and the yearning of stopping for a while kicks in. That's what happened to me. I sought to settle down and Japan was THE place where I wanted to do it in.
A year in and I have barely managed to establish myself here in my new surroundings - how ironic that it took such a long time to find my bearings! But alas, it is done. I am happy. I have a job I enjoy, work for and with people who give out positive vibes, have a great network of friends I trust - and to top it off I live in a place I love.

I'm ready to grow roots.


  1. Tulipa hyvä mieli ja hyvät fiilikset tästä postauksesta! Itsekin olen tehnyt muutoksia elämässä ja nyt tuntuu tasapainoiselta :) Moni asia lähtee sisältä päin mutta ympäristöllä on iso vaikutus!

  2. Kyllä ympäristöllä on ehdottomasti vaikutus sisäiseen hyvinvointiin, Satu! Muutokset ei ole koskaan helppoja - toki jotkut helpompia kuin toiset, mutta ihmisten DNA:ssa tuntuu olevan jokin, mikä saa meidät kammoamaan muutosta ja sinnittelemään status quo -olotilassa. Vaatii rohkeutta tehdä muuoksia elämäänsä! Hymyillään siis rohkeudellemme :) Ja hymyilyn myötä maailmakin näyttää aurinkoisemmalta välittömästi :)
